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66-bedded General Ward with one of the finest ambience amongst all the public hospitals in the country for providing relief and psychological boost to the poor patients suffering from cancer;
29-bedded Private Ward set up in a unique concept comprising semi-private, private and deluxe room facilities
DAY-CARE WARD: 20-bedded daycare facility for chemotherapy and supportive care in a soothing environment;
PROMPT INVESTIGATIONS AND REPORTING: The patients are able to get most of their investigations done and reported on the same day to decide upon the line of management on the first day itself in a majority.
NO WAITING LIST for any test or treatment facilities those are available at the Institute, at present.
HEALTHY MEALS/SNACKS & BEVERAGES AT ECONOMICAL PRICE: The Institute provides economy meals at just Rs. Eight per plate (200 Gms), tea/coffee at just Rs. Five per cup (150 ml) and other snacks at ‘no profit basis’ for the waiting patients and their attendants.
Radiation treatment and day-care chemotherapy facilities are functioning in double shifts from 8.00 AM to 7.00 PM (Mondays to
Fridays) on all working days depending upon the number of patients.
At present, about 800 patients are seen in OPD daily, about 250 patients receive chemotherapy and supportive care about 250 patients receive radiation treatment daily at this Institute
Website conceived, conceptualized and developed by Dr RK Grover, Director, DSCI

Postal Address: Delhi State Cancer Institute
Dilshad Garden, Delhi 110 095 (India)
Phone: +91-11-2213 5700, +91-11-2213 5200; TeleFax: +91-11-2211 0505; E-mail:director[dot]dsci[at]nic[dot]in