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Income Tax Exemption Benefits for donations to DSCI
  All donations to DSCI are exempted from Income Tax u/s 12AA and 80G (5) (vi) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 vide IT order No. DIT(E)/12A /2006-07/ D-1252/121 dated 04-05-2007 & No. DIT(E) 2006-07/ D-1252/193 dated 04-05-2007 valid upto 31/03/2008.  

Postal Address: Delhi State Cancer Institute
Dilshad Garden, Delhi 110 095 (India)
Phone: +91-11-213 5700, +91-11-2213 5200; +91-11-2211 0606; TeleFax: +91-11-2211 0505; E-mail: director[dot]dsci[at]nic[dot]in

Website conceived, conceptualized and developed by Dr RK Grover, Director, DSCI